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Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts

Moms can have great ideas when it comes to celebrating their babies. For example, why not organize a letter-themed party for your bub? If you’ve been invited to a baby shower or a birthday party for a baby whose name starts with A, you’re probably interested in some baby items starting with A, as well.

Her mom probably thinks this is the best idea ever, and she couldn’t be more excited about the party. Although it’s definitely an interesting theme, it can be a real nightmare for those invited. Theme parties can be pretty challenging, especially when they’re inspired by a letter.

I mean, I’m pretty sure you never thought you’d have to think about baby items starting with A, or any other letter for that matter, but here you are. You find yourself looking through different baby shops, staring at the labels, looking for anything that might start with this letter that’s now haunting you.

Who would’ve thought it could be that hard?! You’re probably losing your mind over this, and I don’t blame you. Because you’re out of ideas by now, I’m here to help you out with my top picks of baby items starting with A (and all the way to Z, as well!)

Baby items starting with A

Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts
Source: Shutterstock

Okay, so we agree – this is definitely challenging. But that doesn’t mean you and your baby should call in sick and stay at home instead of going to the party. You’ll be there, and you’ll bring an A-inspired gift that will make you the star of the event!

Or, if you’re grasping at straws, pretty much any baby items starting with A will do just fine. You just want to get this off your checklist, and I totally get that. Let’s check out some of your options.

1. Alphabet blocks

Babies love blocks, and mamas love toys that make their babies smarter. So why not combine the two and give the gift both of them will enjoy? Alphabet blocks will do that for you.

These blocks come in a wide range of designs and models. The best part about this toy is that it helps the children learn and build their vocabularies, while also having fun! Teaching them that learning can be exciting is crucial for their future, as they’ll learn to enjoy any kind of education they experience.

Wooden alphabet blocks are definitely a staple in every playroom, as they can last for years. They’re a classic that never goes out of style. They’re an ideal gift for a toddler who’s 2 to 5 years old, as they’ll help her learn letters, numbers, and even spelling!

2. Aromatherapy oils for mama

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Some baby items starting with A don’t have to be just for our little ones. Mamas deserve a treat, too. After all, a happy mom is the best gift you can give to a child. And what better way to make her happy than with a good old aromatherapy set that will make her forget about the stress and worries of motherhood?

An aromatherapy kit is always a great choice when looking for ways to spoil a mother. She’s been through a lot of stress and anxiety, and probably can’t remember the last time she’s had some time for herself. Remind her that it’s time to make room for her well-being, and make her a custom kit she’ll absolutely adore.

Put in an aromatherapy diffuser, bottles of nice, relaxing essential oils, and even some that will soothe and moisturize her skin. In fact, some baby-friendly oils can help with soothing our little ones, reducing allergies, and even helping them sleep better. Just make sure you do some research and find out which ones she can use.

3. Animal plush toys

Kids can never have enough plush toys (and, let’s be honest, neither can we). Make it an animal plush toy and you’ve got yourself a perfect gift for an A-themed birthday party. We have to think smart here!

No matter what it is, a soft elephant, a cute teddy bear, an adorable puppy, or a long-eared bunny, one thing’s for sure – the baby will absolutely love it. I’m sure you remember your favorite soft toy from childhood. I remember my bunny, Dusty. I carried him everywhere with me. We were even on a kid’s TV show together!

Kids love plush toys because they become their first best friends. There’s a high chance she’ll remember the toy you give her for the rest of her life, especially if it becomes her new bedtime cuddle buddy.

4. Abacus

Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts
Source: Shutterstock

Another toy that moms will like because it will make their little one’s brain cells do some work. An abacus is a classic learning toy that makes math fun and easy! It’s a perfect gift for kids aged 3 to 5, as it will introduce them to basic math, and help them develop their counting and logical thinking skills.

Get a colorful one, possibly made of wood for better durability, and you’ll teach her that learning can be very fun. Plus, you know you’ve done a good deed, helping that toddler learn basic math that she’ll use for the rest of her life.

5. Activity mat

If you’re still looking for baby items starting with A, an activity mat is another great option, especially if you’re buying a gift for a younger baby. This kind of mat will become the baby’s dreamland, and she’ll want to spend every moment in that little colorful world of hers.

Most of these mats are designed so that babies have different ways to play, depending on how big they are. This is a great gift even for a baby shower, as most of these mats are designed for tummy time at first, and then different stages of the baby’s development.

With this, our little ones practice their motor skills, have fun, and we can easily track their growth. Sounds good to me!

6. All-terrain stroller

If you’re an auntie looking for a bit pricier baby items starting with A, an all-terrain stroller is a life-saver for the parents. Not only will it help greatly with their already tight budget, but these strollers proved to be an amazing investment.

Not only are most of them super comfortable for the baby, but they’re also a great solution for parents who are always on the go, or like to take walks in nature. This way, you’ll let them know that their hobbies don’t have to stop simply because they have a baby! Although this gift is pricey, it’s definitely a safe bet.

7. Audiobook

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What better way to introduce a baby to reading and storytelling than with audiobooks? Surprise her mamma with a couple of kid’s audiobooks and save her the time she’d spend reading to her toddler instead of taking some time for herself.

There are plenty of great stories you can choose from. The best part about audiobooks for children is that they come with different sound effects and are created to spark interest. Not only will they help the child fall in love with storytelling, but they also help develop her imagination.

10. Animal books

Kids love animals – from a safe distance, of course. Instead of scrolling on their parent’s mobile phones or staring at the TV watching animal documentaries, why not introduce them to books through the furry buddies they love the most?

Give yourself the honor of being the first one to introduce this child to the beauty of the animal kingdom. Since they can’t read, kids absolutely love books with pictures, and they’re a great way to make young children fall in love with reading.

On top of being a great introduction to literature, animal books will teach them everything they need to know about some of the wonderful creatures that surround them. If you’re looking for a gift for a toddler aged anywhere from 2 to 8, I see no cons to this one!

11. Art set

Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts
Source: Shutterstock

My first art set is one of my earliest memories, and I remember how happy it made me feel. I loved the colors, the shapes, and the chance to create anything I could possibly imagine. Gifting a toddler her first art set will definitely make you one of her favorite people in the whole world.

This is a perfect gift for preschoolers or toddlers aged 3 and up, since they’re learning how to hold a pencil, draw, color, and paint. A nice art set will help them develop their art and craft skills, while also helping them broaden their creativity. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the reason the world gets a new famous painter!

Make sure that the art set you get is age-appropriate and eco-friendly. If you’re gifting this to a young toddler, I’d recommend choosing one without scissors or any other sharp tools and materials.

Alphabet-inspired list of baby items every mom and her baby need

If you’re looking for baby items that start with any other letter other than A, you’re in luck! Listed below, you can find toys, tools, and idea gifts for every letter of the alphabet! We’ll find you the best gift ever, mark my words.

1. Bottles – What better gift for a mom who’s about to give birth or already has a baby than some bottles she can use? Once you have a little one, you’ll realize just how many baby bottles you need! They’ll be all over your kitchen, and you’ll always need some more.

2. Baby monitor – This is probably one of the most useful gifts you can get. Your friend will thank you for making it possible for her to sleep better at night without worrying about her baby in the other room. Plus, she’ll have some free time during the day to do some things for herself. She definitely deserves it!

3. Clothes – No matter how old your baby is, you’ll always need more clothes. They grow like crazy! Before you know it, your baby is already one size bigger, and she can’t fit into any of her clothes. Because of that, every mom will be thankful for some new pieces her baby can wear.

4. Car seat – For all aunties who are willing to spend a bit more money on their niece or nephew, and help out their dear sisters, a car seat will make you the best aunt in the world! It’s a great gift that will be of huge help to parents, and they’ll be able to use it for a long time!

5. Diaper bags – If you’re buying a gift for parents who are always on the go and love to travel, a good quality diaper bag will be a great gift. They come in many sizes and with a lot of pockets moms can use to pack everything they need to change their little ones on the road.

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6. Drying rack – This one might seem silly if you don’t have a baby, but trust me, every mom will thank you for getting her one. Drying racks are a great tool to use when you want to dry your baby’s bottles, pacifiers, and any other baby items they use daily.

7. Exercise mat – This is a great baby shower gift because moms can use it after the first couple of months of their baby’s life. Exercise mats are great for some tummy time and can even be used for playtime when the baby grows older.

8. Educational toys – In case you’re buying a gift for an older baby, educational toys are always a good choice. There are plenty you can choose from on the market, and they’re super helpful for a baby’s development. Helpful and fun – is there a better combo?

9. Furniture covers – Keeping your furniture clean becomes almost impossible when you have a baby or a toddler. You simply make peace with never having a clean sofa again. Unless someone surprises you with a furniture cover to make all your dreams come true.

10. Formula – For non-breastfeeding moms, formula can be the best gift you can give them. There’s never enough of it, and they can get pretty expensive! Buying practical gifts is always a safe and welcome choice.

11. Gum soothers – Teething is a challenging period for both babies and their parents. Gifting some gum soothers is a great choice for babies who are growing their first teeth!

12. High chair – Another really useful gift that will tick one item off of your friend’s long list of must-haves. Baby chairs come in many shapes and sizes, and they’ll make mealtimes easier for both baby and parent.

Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts
Source: Shutterstock

13. Humidifier – Everyone loves a nice humidifier, especially when they have a baby who can’t spend a lot of time in a room with dry air. I recommend getting one that’s suitable for using essential oils (then you could even add a couple of bottles in the gift bag, too!)

14. Infant swaddle – A perfect gift for a baby shower, because it’ll be one of the first items your friend uses for her baby! Infant swaddles make napping a lot safer and more comfortable, and moms absolutely love them.

15. Infant carrier – If your friend likes to move around a lot without having to carry her baby in her arms, an infant carrier will make that possible for her. Since they come in many sizes and designs, you’ll be able to find the perfect one.

16. Jogging stroller – A jogging stroller allows active moms to keep doing what they enjoyed before they became pregnant. Although a bit of a pricy one, this gift will make you the star of the party.

17. Jacket – Just imagine your friend’s little one in an adorable jacket! Find the perfect one and make her the trendiest baby in the family.

18. Keepsake box – This beautiful gift will inspire your friend to keep the memories of her little one’s first days that she’ll cherish forever. It’s truly a gift she’ll always be happy to see, even when her baby grows up.

19. Kangaroo carrier – A kangaroo carrier will make it possible for your friend to rest her arms a bit from carrying her baby all day long. It’s perfect for moms on the go!

20. Laundry basket – Babies need a lot of clothes, and all those clothes need to be washed. Having a separate basket for your little one’s clothes allows you to keep your laundry room a bit more organized.

21. Lotion – Make a gift box for your friend and fill it up with some of the best baby lotions you can find. It’s useful and cute!

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22. Musical toys – If there’s one thing babies love, it’s music. Although her parents might find it annoying after some time, a musical toy will probably become the baby’s favorite gift ever!

23. Mittens – If you’re invited to a baby shower, consider buying some mittens. They’re great for newborn babies who often scratch themselves during sleep.

24. Nursing pillow – Your friend might not realize it yet, but once her baby is finally in her arms, she’ll absolutely cherish her nursing pillow. It makes breastfeeding a lot more comfortable, both for mom and her baby.

25. Nursing bra – Breastfeeding can be really challenging, so we want to make it as easy as possible, and a nursing bra will definitely help. Pair it with a nursing pillow, and your friend will be the happiest mom ever.

26. Owlet – A smart baby monitor will definitely become every mom’s best friend. But since they’re quite pricey, a lot of moms decide against getting one. Surprise your friend with Owlet, one of the most popular smart baby monitors on the market today.

27. Onesies – If you think your friend has enough onesies for her baby, think again. She probably changes at least two of them per day, so there’s never enough of them. Plus, babies grow out of their clothes pretty fast!

28. Pacifier – No matter how many you buy, your baby will always find a way to lose her pacifier. If you’re buying one for your friend, make sure you know which kind of dummies her baby likes the most.

29. Pajamas – Just like onesies, pajamas are something babies use and get dirty quite a lot. Get your friend a cute pair of baby pajamas and get the most adorable pictures in your inbox every night!

Baby Items Starting With A All The Way To Z: A List Of Gifts
Source: Shutterstock

30. Quilted blankets – They’re soft, cute, comfy, and warm. I see no cons here! Find one that suits your friend’s nursery and make sure it’s machine-washable.

31. Rattle – Choose the most colorful and fun one you can find, and your friend’s baby will absolutely love it! Every baby loves a fun rattle they can play with.

32. Rocking chair – If your friend likes for her baby to fall asleep in her arms, surprise her with a good old rocking chair. She’ll love every second of bonding with her little one, rocking her to sleep late at night.

33. Swaddle – A soft blanket wrapped around baby’s body that makes her feel like she’s in her mom’s womb and helps her sleep better? Doesn’t sound bad at all!

34. Sippy cups – Sippy cups are a perfect gift idea for older babies. Plus, moms will love the fact their little ones are no longer making a mess when they drink!

Source: Shutterstock

35. Travel crib – Another great gift for parents who like to travel. This crib will make it possible for their babies to sleep safely wherever they are.

36. Utensils – Give your friend’s baby her first utensils for when she starts eating solid food!

37. Video monitor – If your friend likes to always keep an eye on her baby, gifting her a baby video monitor will help her get some things done while her baby is sleeping safely in her crib.

38. White noise machine – For moms who have fussy babies on their hands, a white noise machine might help little ones sleep better at night. Trust me, your friend will love the gift, too.

40. Xylophone – Introduce your friend’s baby to music with her first-ever instrument! Maybe you’re the reason she becomes a musical prodigy…

41. Yarn animals – They’re the softest, most adorable toys a baby could fall in love with!

42. Zipper pouch – This is a perfect way for your friend to store her baby’s small items, such as pacifiers, a baby nail kit, and more.